JRE PTA Membership

We want you to be part of the JRE PTA!


A membership form was included in your class assignment mailing in August and there was a form in your students folder during the first few weeks of school – you can send either of those in with your student along with payment.

You can also visit a PTA table at any one of the events towards the beginning of the school year to fill out your membership form.  Forms can also be found daily by asking the office staff or checking the paperwork stand just outside of the front office door. You can also download and print the form through Peachjar.

Membership is $5 per person and can be paid with cash or checks made payable to JRE PTA.


If you are interested in becoming a community partner of the JRE PTA or know someone that would, you will find a separate membership form for this type of support in the paperwork stand outside the office or by contacting anyone on the PTA board.







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